Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So, this is like my first proper post.

Been in LA with Matthew, Joe and Paul BBYCKS omfgzzzzzzzz for the past few days. Stayed in Hollywood where a disproportionately large amount of homeless people traipse over streets paved with the worship of multimillion pound celebrities. It's an unnerving juxtaposition of glamour and deep dark looming sadness. I like very little about it. But being with the boys before they head of to Warped was shits and giggles. We ate burritos, fiercely debated the representation of women's bodies in the middle of Hooters, and drank $8 jack and cokes in a bar that was supposed to have trees inside it. To be honest, it could very well have been full of trees.....and monkeys, and pirate ships for that matter. That Mexican lager blurred my memory somewhat. Good times.

So that was LA, and continuing on in the Golden state I'm now in San Francisco. At the infamous Grove Inn where we stayed in March. Crazy Claus the owner has already had us talking for hours about 60s psych bands and guitar manufacturers. Cripes, I don't think I can face him again at breakfast. Already been to Papalotes, the finest burrito place in town. Tomorrow they rehearse, I go down to Amoeba and spend my PDs on Radiohead records. Hard life.

For now I'm gonna watch Breakfast Club and sleep off the JD flu. Molly always helps with hangovers.

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