Sunday, March 14, 2010

Buttons and Zips

I am very dosile at the moment. Too much activity of a weekend can leave you a bit sleepy.

On Saturday, my brain was entertained by altering clothing. I sewed vintage buttons onto some trousers, decorated a liveless stripey tee, and decided that lace laces are the way to lace lovely brogues. Photos are below. The cauliflower is an addition - the first shot I have taken at college.

Today I finally completed the last coat on my vinatage bedroom furniture! Wowzers what a mission that became. It is now glowing in a cute 50s pink, looking fresh and playful. I honestly can't wait to get to the new house and give all my new additions a home. Two weeks and counting....tick tock tick tock.....

For now, steamed lemon pudding and the top 40. Best way to watch a Sunday dusk go by.

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