Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who, being loved, is poor?

Today I decided to revisit my blog, and try to commit a little more time and effort to recording what is essentially a load of drivel. A lot has happened in the past nine months. More than can be sensibly recorded on a blogging site during work time. To summerise, my life has changed and I have changed. Hopefully this is for the better. I remember one dark evening from my childhood when my mother told me that you become more content as you get older. When you are child, being 28 years old is difficult to imagine. I presumed I would be married, with a house. Maybe a garden and vehicle that allows me to transport children and a Tesco big shop on a Saturday afternoon. I guess we are generally limited by what we see from our parents when we are young. Well, my life isn't like that. But true to the tale, I am considerably more content. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I am happy. I find it difficult to write those words. Mostly because I expect a giraffe to fall from the ceiling and crush my Macbook, ruin my work, get me the sack, lose me my lovely flat, resulting in me living outside the cash machine in studentsville, asking people to buy me a soya latte. In order to not tempt fate, lets just stick to the idea that I am content. Content is acceptable.

Content. A word that makes me think maybe I am getting old. I can almost guarantee it is not an entry on

Anyway, for the first time in many years I have begun to revisit the creative side of my brain. It appears that it has not been drowned in cider as I was originally led to believe. Since the last time I blogged, I have made a concerted effort to read more. I am also doing a photography course. I have rediscovered my love of cooking, and moreover I have discovered that people actually enjoy eating my cakes, cookies and various concoctions. I have discovered furniture and architecture, and sustained my unrelenting love for fashion and design. I have started to teach myself politics - a journey with commenced with the classic "Teach Yourself" series of books, and has been supported by an ongoing dedication to newspapers, the Economist and every politics show I can get my hands on. Considering I don't have a TV, this is invariably a pain in the arse. But I am committed to the cause (a generic politician sentence for you right there). I think each one of these new interests requires it's own time and space.....hence the resumption of my blog.

My life doesn't solely revolve around the music industry/drinking anymore. Time to celebrate. Pint down at that gig anyone??? Damn.

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